uCalendar is a very simple and useful schedule soft.
Red line is just explanation.
2. Calendar Window
You may write memos for single day and/or several days called banner. Also you may put an icon like a stamp on the window.
2.1 Memo
Double click on the day which you want to write a memo. Editting area will be appeared and you can write a text. If you finish to write, please click on the other area.
It is not finish by RETURN key.
If you wish to edit a memo, please double click on it.
You can also make a memo from "New Memo..." menu.
"Alarm" facility is to notify by dialog the time of scheduled you put. That shows with the beep sound 5 minutes before. You can specify not only for today's bug for the forward. When "Auto alarm set" is on at "Preferences..." "General", the alarm is set-up automatically from memo
text when you make a new memo or change it. A mark of clock is indicated besides memo when the alarm is set-up.
The "To-Do" facility is a schedule to be set up "within some day" of "by the some day". A check box is showed on the memo you set this function, and without click on a check box, the meme is moved to the forwarding some day you indicate on "Memo dialog". When the schedule is completed, you click on a check box.
2.2 Banner
Drag through sevaral days on the calendar. Long editting area will be appeared under those days. Editting and finish is same as memo. Banner is showed as a dark ribbon.
If you pick the black box in banners edge, you can change the banner's period to increase or decrease.
You can also make a banner from "New Banner..." menu. It is more convenient to make a banner like covered for 2 months.
Also you can change the banner shape from "Banner Shape" menu.
2.3 Icon
Please select one day and you can put an icon from Icon Menu. The Icon plots on top-right date rectangle.
2.4 TooBar
On the tool bar, there are three bottons for moving the month. They are, from left side, previous month botton, this month botton, next month botton.
2.5 Weekly Event Button
Weekly event button makes some memos for a regular event like "a meeting on every monday morning". If you push the button, following dialog will appear.
Above example shows that you make some memos "1000 meeting" which alram at 10am, on every two weeks monday morning between 27th March and end of May.
You can also do it from "Releated Events..." menu.
If you need to delete repeated events at once, select "Delete Events..." menu.
"UpDown Arrow" and "DayPicker" buttons target at the focused date.
If you can select some days in "Day Picker" dialog, those are store into both dates.
2.6 DayView
By the double-click on the top left corner of the day-cell, you can see all your schedules wriitten on the day. This is useful for you when your occasions are overflowed the cell, for which you can check by mark of period "." on the corner .
3. Preferences
3.1 General
Select the action of starting up this program.
Creat a new calendar, open the open-dialog or open the calendar file you select.
Also select the font and the names of months and days from English, French or etc.
3.2 Calender
Set the font, size, colors for date and memos.
Also choose which the week starts from Sunday or Monday. If you want to start from Monday, check the "Week start from Monday" check box.
If you set "Wrap holiday name", holiday and special days name will wrap in each date cell.
You can sen the font, size and colours for day numbers and memos.
Colours is to be selected from colour-picker dialogue.
"Darkday" means out of the current month.
"Week start from Monday " means to start from Monday, not Sunday. Usually default starts from Sunday.
"Wrap holiday name"means to show all spelling of a long holiday name over cell.
"Show week number" means to show the week number on the top of week, left bottom corner .
3.3 Holiday
Select the holidays definition from "Region" popup menu.
You can add some days like birthdays and memorial days in this list or new list.
Items of holiday list will show on the calendar after 1948.
If you check the "Holiday" check box, it will apear holiday's color.
There are four way to define a date as follows:
(1) Way of Date
If you check the [from the year], it wont show before the year.
(2) Way of Week of day
Above example shows third sunday on June -- it is the fathers day.
(3) Way of movable feasts
Like the easter, it will move every year on a calendar.
(4)Way of file format
Set the date as hoidays definiton file format.
3.4 Color
Set the color of categories for memos and banners.
3.5 Icon
Chenge the icon and/or icon's name. If you want change an icon, double click on the list or click "Edit"/"Add" button. Icon dialog will apear on the screen.
Drag and drop your favolit icon from finder.
Maximam number of icons is 20.
If you change the icon name, icon in calendar screen will change [?].
Please delete it and set new one.
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